Restaurant Photography & Bars

Get Their Attention - Make Them Book

It isn’t just food that has to look tasty to the eye. If we’re looking for somewhere to eat out then we want somewhere that looks and feels right as well as serving good food. How do we work that out? From the pictures we find online. Whether it is on your website, a review platform or in an advert, the images that people see of your restaurant play a big part in them choosing to come and visit you. 

Giggling Squid restaurant Norwich upstairs by window

Expert Restaurant Photography

Restaurant photography is all about selling the space and more importantly the feeling of being there. So, I work with all the design features of your restaurant including the lighting to make it feel welcoming and appealing. Textures of materials, colour palette and more all contribute to the overall feel. So, your images will be expertly shot and processed to create the ideal effect.

With enticing, high quality photos we can help potential customers to imagine themselves in your restaurant. They will see and feel the atmosphere you have created for them. Whether it is a cosy space with low lighting or something bright and colourful, the images I create will attract attention and give them confidence to go ahead and book.

Need the images quickly and with minimum fuss? Whether you’ve just finished a refurb and need images out before re-opening or just don’t want to miss any service time, I can work with you to minimise stress. 

With my expertise in photographing restaurants you can keep detail and clarity in brighter areas and show off those beautiful windows and views. Leave all the technical and artistic elements to me and you won’t have to worry about getting the right results. I can work to a brief or be left to my own devices to find interesting angles and viewpoints. 

Bar & Pub Photography

Rathskeller bar area

Bars and pubs are places that we go to for relaxation and enjoyment. We seek comfortable surroundings and perhaps a little luxury. Let future customers be in no doubt that you have carefully provided for their wants and needs by showing off your premises to greatest effect with quality photos. Decor and ambience often plays a very important role in people’s decision when choosing which bar to go to. You’ve created a great space that is welcoming and homely so make sure that this is clear in your photos. Make their choice of where to go an easy one.

Please click on one of the below images to view them fullscreen:

If you want to show off your food to whet the appetite then I also undertake food  photography and drink photography. Together with images of your restaurant’s interior and exterior, staff portraits and some action shots in the kitchen we can put together the whole package of images needed to promote your business and keep you looking professional and build your brand.

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Please get in touch to find out how I can help you with a no-obligation consultation
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