Use your Assets to Promote your Business Online

Why should you use your assets to promote your business? One simple answer is that you’re already paying for them so you might as well make the most of them! Most importantly, however, your assets are part of what makes your business unique. So, you can use them to tell the unique story of your brand. Yes, at the end of the day people buy products and services, but the reason why they choose a particular one over another has a lot to do with your overall branding – the “personality” of your business, if you like.

Use your assets to promote your business - cafe in church

Spend time thinking about what assets your business has. It might be premises, staff, products, machinery, strong relationships with customers, a connection to the local community, etc. We are not just thinking about physical objects, although they are of course important. Think creatively – do you have a particular member of staff who is an expert in their field? Are you proud of the friendliness of your customer services team? It is a good idea to draw up a list about what is good about your business and what helps to give your business its unique identity. Don’t forget your staff – how can you represent who they are and what they do? Once you have your list, you can start working on how you can use each item to market your product or services.

Event photography - brand showcase - Naked Wines

Use your assets to promote your business - College Farm

Online media such as websites and social media are often the first places people encounter our brands. Printed brochures or flyers are another possibility. So, it is vital that these aren’t bland and generic. If we want to stand out then we have to showcase ourselves. Images have the greatest impact. If you use poor images, people are not that likely to bother reading the words, no matter how good they are. So, if you want to use your assets to promote your business then you will need a great set of images. If you are trying to project a polished professional look then you should ensure that you use high quality professional photos.

An obvious place to start is your business premises (if you have any). How might photos of the building or parts of the interior give a flavour of your work to those viewing the images? How might they help to create and communicate something unique about you? It is important to think creatively and not just dismiss this because you don’t believe your building is very photogenic. Think about your location – can you tie yourself in to the local area with images somehow? Can you give a sense of place and what the business is about?

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But, how do you show off assets that are not physical objects such as products or premises? Creative thought and careful planning can enable you to show off services and non-tangible aspects through images. It can be more difficult, but it isn’t likely to be impossible! Think about the lifestyle you would associate with your products or services. How can you help customers to relate to them?

Directing Attention with composition & lighting - makeup artist

It is easy to take your business assets for granted. Or, perhaps we get stuck in thinking of them purely functionally. With the right creative team in place, however, they can become so much more and help to build your brand. So, what are you already paying for that you could use? How might you use your assets to promote your business?

© Joe Lenton, April 2016

If you would like creative input and high quality photos, please do get in touch.

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