High End Audio: Engström Monica

High End Audio Product Photography - Engström Monica Pre-Amp on white side by side

High end audio brand Engström recently commissioned photos of their new Monica pre-amplifier. It is a handmade luxury amplifier from Sweden which is distributed in the UK by Boyer Audio. The minimalist design has clean lines with softened edges and looks almost architectural.

Engström Monica Pre-Amp stacked on black facing left

For some of the close-up shots I took an approach inspired by fine art photography. The following images are almost abstract. The first uses a reflection in the dark glossy surface the Monica was sitting on. We have simple bands of colour and the clarity and brightness of the logo that makes it stand out. The second image again takes a low key lighting approach, highlighting the edges of the dial and bodywork. 

The idea is to intrigue the viewer and draw their attention to the design features. It is a style that works well for more high end products where mood and subtlety are more important. 

Close up of Engström logo on Monica Pre-amp
Close up of Dial on Engström Monica - fine art abstract low key style
Engström Monica angled corner shot thin wide crop

We then move slightly further out in the next two images, taking in more of the subject but still keeping attention on the design details. Changing colour temperature from warm to cool and converting to pure black and white enables a range of slightly differing feels. It also shows off the materials in different ways. If, for example, you want to focus more on materials such as steel or aluminium then a slightly blue colour temperature can bring that out more.

Close up of display on Engstrom Monica
Engström Monica top corner close up from above

Once we come to show the whole product we can still make use of contrast in our lighting to keep a sense of intrigue and anticipation. This kind of dark image is often used to sell luxury products. Amongst other effects, it helps to enhance that slightly out of normal reach feeling that luxury products often go for.

Stacked Engström Monica with illuminated LED on black background

The final image is a more high class version of what is commonly known as a packshot. Sometimes packshots are viewed as a simple necessity for e-commerce rather than a serious sales tool. It is well worth ensuring that these images are also well-lit and appealing or you risk undermining the high end brand that you are creating. You will notice how I have used the light to pick out the edges and draw attention to the design. The logo is also clear and readable. 

Engström Monica pre-amplifier stacked on white

These are just some examples of the kind of high end audio product photography that I can offer. If you sell luxury products and want them to look more appealing on your website and in your advertising and marketing materials please do get in touch.

© Joe Lenton, October 2021

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