CGI Interior Project – Bedroom

CGI bedroom 3d visualisation

I have just completed a CGI interior project building a bedroom and wanted to share some of the renders resulting from it with you. CGI product modelling has complemented my product photography services nicely so I wanted to take my skills further and see if I could create photorealistic architectural renders. For one thing, they could make interesting backgrounds for product images. They could also be a useful addition to my architectural photography for interior designers and architects.

CGI Interior Project - Bedroom view of bed and window

It is possible to have great control of the lighting in CGI so I could put my knowledge of lighting as a photographer into practise quite easily. One  big advantage over real photography is that you can change the look from night to day very quickly instead of having to wait for it to happen naturally.

CGI daylight simulation of a hotel bedroom

You may also have noticed that I have been able to change the colours of the bed linen and add or remove objects wherever I wish. This flexibility means that once the scene has been built you can produce a huge range of images from it. 

CGI Bedroom towards window daytime

3d CGI interior visualisations are really helpful for getting a clear idea of a design and the effect various tweaks may have. It is possible to create materials that look quite realistic, making a render very similar to a real photo of a real space. 

CGI Interior Visualisation - Bedroom sofa and mirror

One little indulgence I took with this room was to add in one of my own fine art photography prints on the wall. CGI makes it easy to test out things like artwork to see what works before committing to having a huge print made. It can also show what extra lighting might be needed to make the most of the artwork. In this instance, I added two spotlights on the ceiling aimed at the print to bring it out of the shadows.

CGI interior featuring fine art landscape print on the wall

If you would like to see some real photos of real hotel rooms please take a look at my hotel photography portfolio. Please do get in touch to discuss my photography & CGI services.

All images © Joe Lenton, August 2020

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