Domestic Architecture

Photography for HebHomes

HebHomes commissioned me to photograph an example of their contemporary domestic architecture that had recently been built in Norfolk. They offer a range of designs for residential architecture with a modern feel. Large windows connect the indoor and outdoor spaces, while the exterior walls are often softened with wood cladding to help them blend in with nature. Off-the-shelf designs can be highly customised to meet clients’ needs.

Interior architectural photography of open plan living space
Contemporary Domestic Architecture - Photography for Heb Homes - rear aspect of The Duckeries

The shoot involved exterior shots as well as interior architectural photography to show off various aspects of the designs. The main living space was open plan with a dual aspect fireplace in the centre. It is a passive house so is very energy efficient and needs very little heating. The large windows also mean that the property enjoys plenty of natural light. 

Looking through fire to living room

Domestic architecture of course has to be comfortable and support the occupant’s way of life. This home allows a close connection with the surrounding landscape with its feature window at the end of the living room. Side sliding doors also give a smooth transition to the patio for the outdoor living area.

Sunstar effect over home in stormy weather

The final image below was taken from the drive at the front of the house at sunset. To enable the buildings to be more prominent I blurred the clouds with a long exposure so that they didn’t dominate the image. The warmer light of late afternoon and early evening provides a very homely feel.

Contemporary Architectural Photography - long exposure of home at sunset

For more of this type of image, please visit my portfolio of twilight architectural photography.

© Joe Lenton, October 2020

If you would like help showcasing a property that you have designed and/or built then please do get in touch. In addition to domestic architecture photography I also undertake work for the hospitality industry, helping people to sell the feel of a space and to imagine themselves there. Please do take a look at my hotel photography services for more examples and information.

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